Lady of Starfall
But here is a summary:
The chapter read was from the Prologue. The Prologue will be seven chapters long and will not feature any certain POV character. Nor are the Prologue POV characters necessarily
The chapter that GRRM read today was from the point of view of the Captain of the Guard for Doran Martell. Set in Dorne, near Sunspear and at Sunspear itself. It contained much information on three of the Sand Snakes. We meet Obara, Nym and Tyene. We also meet Myrcella and Aerys Oakheart in
We hear specific plots in regard to revenge for Oberyn's death. The people cry for vengance. There are conflicts among family members who want
It will take a few hours to type up but it is good stuff - very well written, just as well written as the previous books, or better. No skimping on quality
I am going to let you go for now. I am going back to the Con. I will type up my notes late at night this evening - or early this
They are quite detailed
Lady of Starfall
"Bloodoranges well past ripe...". The imagery is from a setting near Sunspear. "The Prince" is seated in a special chair which "The Captain" has made for him, and the smell of bloodoranges fills the air. We learn that we are seeing Prince Doran Martell, and his Captain of the Guard, Areo Hotah. The setting is one of heat, within a palace whose tiles run into yellow, orange and copper hues. Outside the sounds of children playing are constantly heard. We learn many are the sons and daughters of great lords of
The drumbeat of hooves on the marble outside is heard. Ariel knows Obarra, eldest of the sandsnakes, will be arriving, for he knows her stride. It is said she can master any Dornish horse, or any Dornish man. She is the eldest of the Sand Snakes, a big boned woman of about 30. A coiled whip is carried on her hip and a copper shield is slung on her
Ariel tries to block the way to Obara but she will not have it. "Does he know my father is dead?", she asks of Maester Caleotte, also present. It seems Prince Doran is aware. "What will Doran do, what will his brother do to avenge our murdered Prince?" , she
The old Maester, no more than five feet tall, protests that Prince Doran cannot be disturbed. But Obara must eventually see him. Elaria is bringing home the body of the Red Viper. The people are crying out in the streets. Some Dornish mourning customs are described, for instance, prostitutes not charging for
At last Doran sees Obara. He is a man ot two and fifty. His symptoms of gout are described graphically. He tells Obara "by law, that is no murder" when she says that Oberyn was felled in a duel. Doran is taking a more conservative approach to the manner of reaction appropriate to Oberyn's death. He feels silence is a prince's friend, that words are like arrows, once unleashed, you cannot take them
We learn that Obara wants to march on Old Town, and that Doran has written to Tywin. (GRRM mentioned earlier that some chapters in this book take place before the final chapter of
Doran assures Obara that Tywin will deliver the head of Gregor, Oberyn's killer. This does not content Obara. She wishes to pulls out the bowels of the killer and search for gold, whilst singing "The Rains of
Childhood descriptions are brought in. We hear something of the rough childhood play of the Red Viper. We also hear of Obara's childhood. Her mother was a prostitute. When Oberyn went to her after Obara's birth she taunted that she had had 1000 men and that he could not tell Obara was his. Obara picks up a spear and acts militantly in some fashion. "I told you she was mine", said Oberyn to Obara's mother. And Obara went to live with the Red
Lady of Starfall
I should mention that at some point it becomes clear that Areo is from the free city of Norvos. I note that Doran's wife is also from there. Areo is even in the appendix of AGOT....can you believe he has been in the works all this long and now we are hearing his story? We hear some description of Norvos and of Areo's childhood. Areo was the youngest of his family, a small boy when he was sold to the bearded priests. He was branded in the form of an ax at some point, possibly after beginning military training. At the ceremony his mother is present, and bears are dancing down the middle of the steps of an edifice. He eventually swore to serve, obey and protect, though the religion of the Seven was always strange to
Obara believes that the word must be war at Sunspear. After consultation with the Maester and Areo, Doran says that though it is not wise, it is necessary that he return to Sunspear. The debate is that enemies should not know how feeble Doran is. Yet he says that he must be seen, for someone must pour oil on the boiling
There is discussion of Ser Aerys Oakheart, escort of Myrcella Baratheon. "You know he sends letters to his Queen", Obara tells Doran. Areo has somehow foresee that Aerys will die, he feels sorry for the man. I am a bit sketchy on detail
Sun sets and the children are no longer heard outside as they have gone into their rooms. Prince Doran has a light meal of purple olives, flat bread and chickpea paste. (That's right...we get many more descriptions of luscious food.) Then he retires to his quarters, a great room of cool linen sheets in a chamber beside the
Dawn comes and the smallest cedarwood litter is chosen to carry Prince Doran, along with 20 spears and Captain of the Guard, Areo, who is always at his left hand. We get a description of Aero's armor. It is copper colored in bits, has netting, and designed so that a man can stand it in the heat of Dorne (sketchy on further detail). The group feasts on a breakfast of bloodoranges, quail eggs and sliced ham with fiery
The group finally departs at midday, following a red road that runs beside the sea. It is a spare red-brown land of stone and sand with twisted
On a sand dune ahead, the second Sand Snake appears, riding a golden mare. She is Nymeria, Princess Nym. She is 25 with straight black hair which comes to a widows point like her father's. She possesses all the beauty Obara lacked. Her mother was royalty of old Volantis (?) while Obara's was an Old Town
She hails the group with a 'Well met" and joins them as if the meeting had occurred by chance. Asking if she may travel with them, Doran tells her that she may be a better companion than some, for gout and grief make poor companions on the
Gregor is discussed. Nym tells her Uncle that Gregor admitted his guilt, crying it aloud for all to hear. Nym is told they have been promised the head of Gregor. But she says she believes Tywin intends to pay them in 'their own
Princess Nym says that she had it from sweet Ser Daimon, who was a Fowler, that Gregor will die through the poison. She reminds her Uncle of the Fowler words - "Let me
"Let ME Soar", she asks. In other words, she wants to be able to revenge her father properly. Her Uncle indulges this request and asks what she needs. "I need Tyene" she says, referring to a sister Sand Snake. She believes Obara is too hard and will be balanced by Tyene's "gentleness". "Gentleness" is definitely in
Nym believes one death by poison is not enough. But she will be happy with four death - the golden twins, the old Lion and the Little
Lady of Starfall
It is pointed out that 'the boy' is a bastard, if Stannis can be believed, Doran tells
"Only royal blood can avenge my father's murder" says Nym. This opens the possibility that Tommen will be spared after
Doran advises Nym not to provoke Tywin unduly, but she replies " My sisters and I will not wait seven and ten years for our
At last the party approaches Sunspear, fantastically orange-red-brown. The spear tower is 150 feet tall. Nearly as tall is the tower of the Sun. A third formation is described (sketchy on detail here). Here the air smelled of dust and smoke. Houses were built of mud and straw. Along the massive walls were found mudbrick shops and windowless
It was not much compared to Tyrosh or Mir or Great Norvas. Yet, it was the nearest thing to a true city these Dornish had . (Remember: Areo POV, is from
The party begins to approach the city walls. "Make way for the Prince of Dorne" is called
"The Prince is dead", some cry. "To spears", many cry. Cries of "Vengance for the Viper" ring in the air. "War, the spears" is heard. There is no answer from within the silken
At last the party enters Sunspear, the portcullis closing behind them. Princess Arianne, heir to the throne, is waiting to great her father. Doran's party enters the palace to find Arianne, the Castallan, the Maester, Myrcella and Aerys Oakheart waiting for
Arianne tries flattery and says "Father, Sunspear rejoices at your return". Doran simply replies, with irony "Yes, I heard the
A feast is prepared. Doran says that he does not see Tyene. He is told that she begs a private word for him and is waiting in the throne
The third Sand Snake is wearing a clinging gown with blue samite sleeves and Myrish lace. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. But there is something about the eyes. Something (piercing? detail sketchy here). Doran realizes that all of the Red Viper's daughters have their father's eyes, no matter the
Tyene's mother had been a Septa. She seems quite gentle, asking her uncle if there is anything she can do to ease his pain. She has made a tapestry which shows Oberyn, and she presents it to Doran. "I am not likely to forget your father", he
Tyene speaks of Gregor. She says that they have prayed so long for his death. She assures her Uncle that Gregor will pray for it too, for she knows the poison her father
It is discussed that Dornishmen fight best at home. The Lannister's and Tyrell's will be drawn into Dorne and then
Tyene speaks of Myrcella and says they have the Imp to thank for her, and that she envies her long blonde curls. Trystane and Myrcella are so innocent she remarks. Yet it is understood that under Dornish custom, Myrcella is heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals. She is the eldest, the throne passes to the eldest regardless of gender in
Doran asks to think on it. Tyrene opines that he thinks too much and that her father thought too
Tyene asks for her Uncles blessing and kneels to be touched on the head. She likely touches his hand at some point for after she has left, Doran and Maester C. examine his hand to make sure the skin is not broken for this would indicate poison. He appears to be
Doran calls for milk of the poppy, something he refused before for his pain He then asks Areo how many of the guards are truly loyal to him. Areo says that they are Dornishmen and they will do as he
Prince Doran tells Captain Areo that he has a special task for a few of them. It must be quick, quiet and bloodless. "Take the Sand Snakes into custody", he says. "Confine them in cells at the top of the Spear Tower" All eight are to be taken into
Doran is told that the common folk will howl in the streets. But he does not care. He says that he will let Tywin see what a friend he has in Doran.
King o' the Board
Amazing. Woo. If more details about Dornish customs, clothing, or architecture can be dug up, I'd be interested. ;) It sounded like at least one or two more mourning customs were mentioned besides the free prostitutes and the lamenting in the
I don't think Doran is Tywin's friend. I think he's decided to act and lure the Lannisters into . . . something, anyways. The way those words are put suggest that he'll offer a hand while keeping a knife behind his
The Sand Snakes sound interesting, indeed. Princess Nym . . . interesting. Because of her mother's old royalty, or all of the Sand Snakes considered princesses, or simply because she looks so much like a princess with her beauty? Interesting indeed. And they're an interesting lot, of
Ser Daemon a Fowler? Ser Daemon Sand was Bastard of Godsgrace, his father an Allyrion. I suppose that his mother could have been a Fowler, so that Nym could make her point about their words. And now we have their words, so we'll have to add them on to their
shield. Cool.
It's Areo, BTW. Areo Hotah. Bearded priests must have been part of the theocracy of Norvos, which has a unique religion. They seem to make use of slave-soldiers. It's odd to call Hotah a "sellsword" if, technically, he was a slave who came as part of Princess Mellario's dowry. But I suppose they could have "freed" him, in accordance with Westerosi law and custom, and he draws a salary. He seems quite trusted by Doran, quite
I wouldn't mind more recollections on his armor. The "netting" in particular.
When speaking with Tyene, you write that they discuss talking about Dorne fighting best on home ground and that "they" will draw the Lannisters and Tyrells in and ambush them. Do "they" really plan this, or was Tyene or someone else discussing how such a plan would be superior than marching on Old Town (as Obara
Obara . . . there may be a very small continuity problem there if she was supposed to have been concieved when Oberyn passed through Old Town with his sister and mother. Tyrion is about 26, so Obara would have to be 25-26. But she could just look thirty years old, I suppose. Also makes the timing with Princess Nym rather tight -- she's 25, so she'd be a bare year younger. Oberyn went to Volantis rather
The other possibility, of course, is that Obara was concieved when Oberyn was 12 or so. ;) They could have been at Old Town for some reason back then -- a tournament or some such -- and Oberyn strikes me as a precocious lad. And then, with the berths empty of Lannisters, they could have stopped in Old Town and for some reason or other Oberyn picked up his 2 year old daughter and carried her off to Sunspear. I wonder what the Princess his mother would have said about
Notably, the Sand Snakes do seem to have been listed in birth order in ASoS. Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene are the three eldest, it
It's a shame that Ser Arys Oakheart will have to meet with some accident. He's a nice fellow. Perhaps Doran will find some other way...
Sunspear, another city of Westeros. I figured. Very cool. It has a very different feel to it from KL, certainly. Though I always imagined it as quite whitewashed, in Mediterranean fashion. But browns and reds and oranges works quite well, and fits some Dornish
I do hope Arianne isn't insipid. Her first showing was somewhat poor.
Lady of Starfall
Denstorebog and others who have wondered: It is possible that GRRM said "about" in front of any of the numbers he used, because my memory is not exact. He could have said "about" 7 chapters or "about" 200 pages. On the later, however, I get the feeling it is pretty close to 200 pages.
I am not sure why the assumption is out there that AFFC will run 1000 pages or so. Was that a spoiler somewhere? I honestly get the feeling this may be a shorter book. AGOT length or (my *opinion* I don't know) possibly a little
Ran, I thought your response was amazing. It was as if you were there. You have spotted the places where my details were sketchy (even where I did not note it) and wondered about things that I thought I was tipped off to wonder about only by tone of voice and hearing all the words. I'll respond in
Amazing. Woo. If more details about Dornish customs, clothing, or architecture can be dug up, I'd be
I will try, and hopefully we will hear from Danlo. He has read up to pg 120 of AGOT so far, so much of this was new to
It sounded like at least one or two more mourning customs were mentioned besides the free prostitutes and the lamenting in the
I believe you are exactly right about that. Unfortunately, I was so excited about the reading, I cannot remember what anyone else in the room looked like to ask them. But about a quarter of the convention was in the room. So I could ask folks at random if there were in the reading and ask them if they recall more about this. And again, Danlo may well recall
I don't think Doran is Tywin's friend. I think he's decided to act and lure the Lannisters into . . . something, anyways. The way those words are put suggest that he'll offer a hand while keeping a knife behind his
You know, I thought that only came through if you heard tone of voice and all the words. Yes, I wonder about Doran's intentions too. However, something that may not have come through from my notes, but I know it is so is this. Doran is much more gentle, wise and good intentioned than the SS. He is probably more interested in the good of Dorne than in vengance. So he will be friend/not friend to Tywin or whomever is regent based upon that, I
I do think Doran will initially try to deal with the Regent just as he dealt with Tywin. The Regent's reaction will be quite
The Sand Snakes sound interesting, indeed. Princess Nym . . . interesting. Because of her mother's old royalty, or all of the Sand Snakes considered princesses, or simply because she looks so much like a princess with her beauty? Interesting indeed. And they're an interesting lot, of
I believe all the Sand Snakes were counted Princesses.
Ser Daemon a Fowler? Ser Daemon Sand was Bastard of Godsgrace, his father an Allyrion. I suppose that his mother could have been a Fowler, so that Nym could make her point about their words. And now we have their words, so we'll have to add them on to their
shield. Cool.
My notes were not great at that point but I am almost certain GRRM said there was some type of relation between Ser Daemon and the Fowlers. Its possible they just got mentioned in a paragraph in which Ser Daemon was also
mentioned, however.
It's Areo, BTW. Areo Hotah.
I found myself correcting typos last night as I occasionally wrote Aero. Hopefully I put Areo, most of the
Bearded priests must have been part of the theocracy of Norvos, which has a unique religion. They seem to make use of slave-soldiers. It's odd to call Hotah a "sellsword" if, technically, he was a slave who came as part of Princess Mellario's dowry. But I suppose they could have "freed" him, in accordance with Westerosi law and custom, and he draws a salary. He seems quite trusted by Doran, quite
Sell-sword? Was that in one of the books? I don't recall GRRM saying it last
I wouldn't mind more recollections on his armor. The "netting" in particular.
I will try to ask about details on armor and mourning customs.
When speaking with Tyene, you write that they discuss talking about Dorne fighting best on home ground and that "they" will draw the Lannisters and Tyrells in and ambush them. Do "they" really plan this, or was Tyene or someone else discussing how such a plan would be superior than marching on Old Town (as Obara
Unfortunately, I only recall that it was discussed. I don't recall which party was advocating the ambush
Obara . . . there may be a very small continuity problem there if she was supposed to have been concieved when Oberyn passed through Old Town with his sister and mother. Tyrion is about 26, so Obara would have to be 25-26. But she could just look thirty years old, I suppose. Also makes the timing with Princess Nym rather tight -- she's 25, so she'd be a bare year younger. Oberyn went to Volantis rather
Yes, one of the few things not to make it into my report from my notes, but you must have known from elsewhere, Ran, was that Oberyn was 10 years younger than Doran. It's possible they said "about" 30 on Obara. However, I get the feeling it's more like around 29 if that is the case. I would go with the theory you mentioned of her being conceived when her Father was 12-13, based on what I
Notably, the Sand Snakes do seem to have been listed in birth order in ASoS. Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene are the three eldest, it
Interesting. I thought I could infer this as GRRM was reading, but I did not say it, as I could not be
It's a shame that Ser Arys Oakheart will have to meet with some accident. He's a nice fellow. Perhaps Doran will find some other
This morning I remembered Prince Doran saying how sorry he felt for the White Knight. Yes, it's possible he will not have to
Sunspear, another city of Westeros. I figured. Very cool. It has a very different feel to it from KL, certainly. Though I always imagined it as quite whitewashed, in Mediterranean fashion. But browns and reds and oranges works quite well, and fits some Dornish
I had pictures of Morocco that I have seen in mind as GRRM read last evening.
I do hope Arianne isn't insipid. Her first showing was somewhat poor.
There may have been more about her than my notes reflected. The scene with the people crying out for vengence caught my attention and I was catching up on my notes from that scene as Doran first greeted
I did get the impression that the entire Prologue will be set in Dorne, but I could be wrong, it's just an
Asha, that is an interesting thought about the locking up of the SS as related to the five year gap. I think keeping them locked up for five years may indeed have been something GRRM considered. However, he appears to have dismissed that idea, perhaps as something he and/or the reader's would not be the most comfortable
I now recall that there was specific discussion of locking up the 20 year old SS, with a slight description of her. Also, Areo asked if even the youngest were to be locked up. Doran told him that they would not be a danger in themselves, but since others could use them for their own ends, they had best be locked up
Oh, and here is something I forgot to put in my original account. GRRM was asked how many books there will be. He replied "I''m going to say how many I think and she (Parris) will hold up her fingers on how many she thinks.". He said "six" and Parris held up seven fingers. You had to be there! It was hilarious. They got to do this about three times. Btw, I think agree with Parris. And I can tell you as I did a year ago, that when I was in Portland, GRRM acknowledged the possibility of seven books, though he thinks it will be six. He said he does not know what the title of book seven will be if there is one. Parris contributed "I get to name it". Joking with him. Very comfortable
King o' the Board
It's in the appendix, that Areo Hotah, captain of the guards, is a Norvosi
sellsword. It's interesting that it isn't mentioned. It may be that calling him a sellsword is a mere formality, and that in truth he is bound much more closely to them. A 20 year old ... I'm guessing this is either Sarella Sand or Elia Sand. Sarella is listed after Tyene, and Elia after Sarella. Or perhaps Tyene is the 20 year
Lady of Starfall
There was a line about Myrcella being rightful queen, as I said. Then someone said that was only under Dornish law. Then, someone said "Yes, but she is in
I was thinking they wanted to make Myrcella queen even before I remembered that line. But of course they want to use her and have Trystayne, Doran's youngest son, who is her financee? have whoever her fiance is be the power behind the
I now think that they might even like to have the ruling seat moved from King's Landing to Sunspear. This would be after the death of most of Myrcella's immediate
But I am unsure as to whether it is just the SS or also Doran who would hope to use
Bastard is no fly in the ointment as a ruler of Dorne can be both bastard and female, I think. Though Westerosi laws forbid it overall. But all they need to is deny Myrcella's bastard
I was rather surprised at the line about bastard blood not sufficing, as I understood the Dornish did not make a great deal about bastard/nonbastard
Ran, I don't think the structure was given a name.
Maia, Doran's wife was not mentioned in the chapter.
Oh, my room is right here at the convention hotel. That is why I am able to come on this thread so often. I just check whenever I go back to my room for
King o' the Board
Background: Ser Arys Oakheart was the knight of the KG sent to Dorne as Myrcella's
guard. Doran Martell is the lord of Dorne and Arianne is his eldest daughter, and now his heir after Oberyn's
Ser Arys Oakheart is wandering through the shadow city of Sunspear at least two weeks after the Areo chapter because a fortnight past a merchant was murdered simply because he was from King's
He's going incognito, in Dornish robes and with a hood up, but he has his sword with him. It's evening, and cold. He thinks about how the Oakhearts were always staunch foes of the Dornishmen. There were tapestries at Old Oak: Lord Edgerran the Open-handed, the heads of a hundred Dornishmen piled at his feet; the Three Leaves in the Prince's Pass stabbed by spears as Alester blew his warhorn with his dying breath; Ser Olyvar the Green Oak in his white cloak dying beside the Young
The shadow city is basically the city around the castle of Sunspear. It's so hot during the day, the streets are mostly deserted, but as evening falls they come alive. Things were pretty bad when the news of the Red Viper's death arrived but they grew a little quieter when Doran put the Sand Snakes in tower
Beneath the second of the Winding Walls, a pillow girl calls down to him wearing only jewels and oil. He thinks of Baelor the Blessed, who fasted to the point of fainting to tame his lusts, and he wonders if he has to do the
He hears finger drums beating the quick rhythm of a spear dance. Dornishmen eat grilled snake meat with sauces that can bring tears to the eyes. Arys has heard that the best sauces are made with a drop of venom, as well as mustard seeds and dragon peppers. Myrcella loves the spicy food, as well as a new game that's become popular in Dorne called
cyvasse which arrived at the Planky Town on a ship from Volantis. She's getting along very well with Prince
Arys thinks back to his first private meeting with Doran -- it seems to have happened only earlier in the day. Doran feels there's danger to Myrcella, but Arys says that no one would hurt a little girl. Doran reminds him that Elia had a little girl who was a princess as well. He says most of the smallfolk are calling for war, and half the lords agree with
Doran reveals that he wants to send Myrcella and Arys to the Water Gardens. His ancestor Prince Maron raised the Gardens as a gift to his Targaryen bride. There are lots of children there, both of high and gentle birth. There's a catch, though: Doran doesn't want Arys to tell anyone about the move. For safety, he says, and Arys accepts
Then he comes back to the present and finds the place he's seeking. He enters but no one is there. He calls for his lady . . . and she slips out from behind the door. She's wearing a snake bracelet thing and nothing else. Steamy sex follows. After all's said and done, he's got some torn clothing and some fresh bleeding scratches down his back. He feels very badly, very guilty about his shame and his failure to hold to his vows. He insists on leaving and she wonders if he's going to another woman. She offers to fight her for him, bare-breasted, knife to knife. Unless it's a Sand Snake, of course, because they can share then -- she loves her
It's Arianne.
She teases him about Myrcella, wondering if he loves his other princess more and offers to play the innocent. He thinks that she can't help herself -- in the Reach they say that Dornishmen are hot tempered and the women are wild and wanton because their peppers and spices heat the
He does tell her that he's leaving for the Water Gardens in four days. Interesting detail here: Arys has not had a woman in ten years or more, since he donned the white cloak. (Wonder who his predecessor was, and what happened to
Arianne says the Bastard of Godsgrace deflowered her when they were both 14. Doran learned about it but did nothing, which he's very good at doing. He calls it _thinking_, she says. Then he insists on leaving, and on ending the relationship, but she doesn't want him to go. She wonders if he thinks he's the only KG to love a
He thinks about that. Boros Blount visited the Street of Silks often. Preston Greenfield visited a certain draper's house whenever the draper was away. Ser Terrence Toyne was found sleeping with a king's mistress. He swore it was for love, but it cost him his life and hers, and brought the fall of his House and the death of "the noblest knight who ever lived", Prince Aemon the
She asks about Lucamore the Lusty, who had 3 wives and an obscene number of kids. There's a funny song about him, but he responds that it's not funny. When Ser Lucamore Strong's lies were discovered, he was castrated by his Sworn Brothers and Jaehaerys I sent him to the Wall. She asks then about the Dragonknight, who took his queen to bed and had a child with her. But Arys says he doesn't believe that -- that was a tale put about by his brother when he wanted to put aside his son Daeron in favor of his bastard. He wasn't called Unworthy without cause.
She talks of Prince Lewyn. He agrees he was a great knight. Then she drops the bomb: he had a paramour. Toyne's treason and Lucamore's deceits can be found in the White Book, but nothing is said of Lewyn having a paramour. She's still alive, according to
Then she swoops in on how Myrcella is braver, smarter, more confident, and more courteous than Tommen. He sort of admits that she isn't
Viserys I intended his daughter Rhaenyra to rule after him! But the Lord Commander, Ser Criston Cole, Criston the Kingmaker, thought otherwise. He convinced Prince Aegon to seize the throne as the king lay dying. Why isn't clear, Arys thinks: maybe ambition, maybe because he was nobly defending ancient Andal custom, or maybe he was getting revenge on the princess who some whispered had been his lover before he took the white and who had spurned him. He paid for his treason,
Arianne argues about why Doran wants to send Myrcella away -- not to protect her from assassins, but from those who would put a crown on her head. She says that it'll be a prison, Areo Hotah will see to it. Arys is uneasy about Hotah, who keeps his great axe beside him even when he sleeps. She wants him to support Myrcella for queen, and says she'd not see Tommen
She says Myrcella would let him marry her, maybe even keep his white cloak too. He continues resisting, and she starts to tremble. It's not right for him to make her beg, she says, but he's refusing her when she's in desperate need of a knight to keep her safe. He's slow -- he says her father's guards would protect her, but _they're_ the ones she's afraid of. She thinks she'll be dragged off like the Sand Snakes, whom neither of them have been able to see since they were put in their
He says they were dangerous, but she notes the youngest two are all of 8 and 6. She does say that Tyene and she are of an age, and have no secrets, so she thinks her father might send her into a cell after them for knowing of the
She says that Doran has always been unhappy that she was born a daughter. He tries to say that Doran left her to rule in Sunspear when he went to the Water Gardens, but she says that Oberyn and the bureaucrats ran everything. Apparently Doran had been retired there for a long time -- she says that Oberyn went to the Gardens twice a fortnight, but she was summoned twice a
And now she says that he may get what he wants, because of her brother Quentyn. He was fostered by Lord Anders
Yronwood, and took knighthood from him rather than from the Red Viper. Arys says he was told that Quentyn was in the Boneway with Yronwood's host, but she says that her father is hiding the truth that Quentyn is in the Free Cities hiring
There's a bit about the dragon biting its tail of the Tolands, which represents time as a circular thing. Maybe the Dance of the Dragons is to be repeated, with Anders as the Kingmaker reborn whispering to Quentyn that men should not kneel to women, especially not a willful one like
And Arys buckles.
Arys swears he'll support Myrcella's claim, because she's older and better suited. Then he asks what Arianne will have of him, and she says she wants all and forever, but first ...
The end. Cool stuff. She's completely wrapped Arys around her little finger. He had no chance. My summary doesn't do justice to just how absolutely besotted and under her thumb Arys is. I like him, a lot, but he is pretty weak willed (oh, yeah, I forgot -- he was still ashamed about beating Sansa, and when Tyrion picked him to accompany Myrcella he lit a candle to the Warrior in thanks as it meant escaping
I hereby declare that Dornishwomen are the sexiest women in
Westeros, as well. I think I'd be weak-willed, too.
Harry the Heir
Council Member
Dornishmen eat grilled snake meat with sauces that can bring tears to the eyes. Arys has heard that the best sauces are made with a drop of venom, as well as mustard seeds and dragon
Well, if this isn't a reference to Santa Fe, I don't know what is. If he's willing to go this far, however, I demand that we get extended descriptions of blue corn snake enchiladas with green chili (that is, green dragon-pepper sauce)! Also, we need a scene where Arys is foolishly conned into eating too spicy sauce and spends the next three days next to his
There's a bit about the dragon biting its tail of the Tolands, which represents time as a circular
This is an Ouroborous ref, if I'm not mistaken, and I'm pretty sure that one of the things the ouroborous is supposed to symbolize is self-destruction and futility. However, somebody better educated in myth would know better about
King o' the Board
Lyanna posted:
ok, this is gonna be brief and more people can elaborate... i only slept 4 hours last night and i'm a little
as banditski said before, the "pov" for this chapter is arianne martell, daughter of doran. same woman as from the soiled knight chapter. but she is NOT the new POV. this is just a prologue chapter.
It begins with arianne waiting outside somewhere in a field with some companions: Andrey Dalt of Lemonwood (called Dray), Lady Silver something (called Spotted Silver), Gay Garren (a "green orphan" who was arianne's milk brother) and Ser Gerald Dayne of Starfall called the Black Star, who is also arianne's lover. someone says some thing about gazing into a pool and seeing you're true love's face (someone will probably need to correct me on that :p )and arianne remembers how she used to dream that some handsome scoundrel would kidnap her and take her out and ravish her... definitely another hot dornish woman (yay!) arianne thinks that ser gerald is the handsomest man she's ever seen and is afraid that if arys oakheart finds out that gerald is her lover they would fight to the death. she doesn't know who would win.
we hear some news about fighting in the free cities. the qohori have revolted, throwing down the statue of the black goat (i think). myr, tyrosh and lys are also mentioned, some of them are fighting, someone else will have to elaborate on that. i pay more attention to the sex parts than the free city war parts ;)
arianne is musing about her brother quentin, who is ahead of her in the succession. he was sent away for some reason but she knows that he has been seen nearby disguised as a merchant.
then we find out that mycella has indeed been crowned by the dornish (whether by doran or just arianne did the crowning i am not sure). gerald mentions just killing myrcella, arianne says that arys will defend her with his life, and gerald replies " Daynes have been killing Oakhearts for hundreds (or was it thousands?) of yeats. arianne replies "and Oakhearts have been killing Daynes for just as many."
the see arys approaching with myrcella. it is night time, as it is too hot to ride in the day. arianne's companions bow to her calling her "your grace" and such, and myrcella is confused. "why are they calling me that, arianne?" she asks when she recognizes ariannce. arianne explains that since myrcella is older than tommen (pronounced "tome-in," btw, she is actually the rightful heir to the iron throne. myrcella seems wary but easily convinced.
at one point arys pushes arianne up against a tree and starts fondling her, but she laughs and says "later." her thoughts seem to say that though she likes arys in bed, she finds him rather ponderous and boring.
myrcella asks gerald dayne if he was related to the famous sword of the morning. gerald says he is, and from starfall. arys says "he was a great knight" and gerald says "he had a great SWORD." i think it was at this point where myrella asks is he is the SOTM, or if he uses Dawn, and gerald replies "no, i am of the night, not the morning" (or something).
trystane had wanted to come with arys and myrcella, but he did not in the end. arys and mycella left "stunt doubles" as it were, back at sunspear. myrcella curled her doubles hair herself, a distant lannister cousin. arys' double is sam swyft.
and so they ride all night. they are going to the "green blood," a river where the "green orphans" live. we learn they are not truly orphans, but that their mother is the great river, Mother Rhoyne. they are the blood of the rhoynars. there was mention of a fight with the rhoynes and the targs, and how a king sent his dragon to go eat elephants (lol).
when they dismount, arys says something to arianne about how she needs a veil to cover her face because otherwise her beauty would overwhelm that of the sun., something like that. arianne wonders how long it took him to come up with that compliment. she thinks of ayrs "wit and he were strangers." :p
they see trees called sand beggars, which grow only near water. they know they are close. arianne means to crown myrcella and raise her banners at hellholt. they will follow the green blood to the vaith and then to hellholt.
they come to a village and arianne sees oroh hatah (sp?) she realizes they are caught. oroh says that doran order him and his guard to bring back arianne and mycella safely, but to kill their companions if they do not yield. arys wasnts to fight for "his princess" at first (which one?) but ariannce calms him. she asks oroh, "how did you know?" and he replies, "how else? someone told."
everyone else who is not insane with sleep deprivation can fill in the rest
Mother of Dragons
Arianne is sitting in a desert and the wells are going dry. The sand is golden, changing to red as the sun goes down. She is with the Darkstar (Gerald Dayne) and Gay Garren (sp?).
Arianne thinks about a past outing to this same spot with Oberyn and the Sand Snakes. Prince Oberyn caught and milked a viper here. Arianne thinks that Oberyn was always full of stories.
Arianne and Garren were milk brothers (seems it is brothers, even if one is female).
Arianne looks at the Darkstar and thinks about how very damn hot he is. ( ) Arianne would like him as a Consort, but he has a cruel mouth and tongue. The Darkstar also has almost purple eyes and Arianne thinks that their children would be as beautiful as the Dragon lords. The Darkstar is another drinker of unsweetened lemon water. His castle is High Hermitage.
Arianne thinks of the news coming in from the seaport. Qohor (?) has a riot of the red priests, slave revolts are in (wherever it was that Dany was). Dragons are in (wherever it was that Dany was there- Qarth maybe?). A sellsword company (I think it was The Golden Company), whose words are "beneath the gold, the bitter steel" [Inserted by Ran: What a motto!] who was formed by a bastard Targ switched sides.
Arianne thinks of her grand plans and thinks she will be another Nymeria.
Arianne's mother is livid about Quentyn (I think it was Quentyn) being fostered out. Mom is calling it a selling of flesh and blood. Dorne doesn't encourage fosterlings.
Myrcella will be crowned but Arianne thinks she will never sit on the Iron Throne.
Aerys shows up at the camp with Myrcella and Arianne has to explain what is going on-that Myrcella will have the crown. Myrcella protests, saying that Tommen is the heir but Arianne says Myrcella is in Dorne now and Tommen is in the hands of bad men.
Supporters at the camp: Andray Dalt of Lemonwood, Lady Silversantal (Spotswood??), Guy Garron an orphan of the Greenblood, Ser Gerald Dayne the Darkstar, Arianne, Myrcella, and Arys. Arianne takes the fact that there are 7 in the party as a good omen.
The Darkstar and Myrcella speak and the Darkstar says he is not the Sword of the Morning. Darkstar goes on about the Daynes-that their line goes back 10,000 years and why should the only member of the Daynes have so much renown is SOTM.
Arianne and Arys kiss and he is hot for her, but Arianne pushes him away. Arianne says they will be together later.
Prince Trystane wanted to come with Myrcella, but they said no. Sam Swyft is pretending to be Arys and Myrcella's maid and relative, Rosamon is pretending to be Myrcella.
Arianne thinks that she wants her father's place, but not at the cost of his honor or his pride. She wants him to return to the seashore and live out his days in piece.
Arianne thinks Yronwood will declare for Quentyn and ignore her claim.
Greenbloods are known for their gifts of healing. They are of the Rhoynar and blood of the river Rhoyne (who is seen as a god) flows in their veins. An orphan of the Greenblood was made from the burning of the ships when Nymeria landed. (No, we didn't get much on this)
Arys tries some flattery on Arianne and she thinks how clumsy it is. However, she likes his smooth body in her bed. She also thinks that Arys isn't that bright.
The Prince's Pass is mentioned. The Young Dragon wrote that of the sun and spear on Dorne's flag, the sun is the most dangerous. All the riders veil against the sand except Aerys. The Greenblood River is the heart of Dorne.
The riders travel throughout the night and arrive at a hidden boat to travel on the river. Arianne thinks Sandstone and
(?) [Ran: Hellholt, I'll bet, from other spoilers] will help them cross the heavy sands when the get off the boat. The crew doesn't seem to be in sight and someone calls out. Areo Hotah comes out of the boat and guards armed with spears surround the riders. Areo says that Prince Doran ordered all of them killed except for Arianne and Myrcella.
Arys is going to protect Myrcella, but gives in when Arianne tells him to yield. Arys is bound and they are brought to
D(?) town.
Arianne asks how her father knew, and Aero Hotah says "Because someone told".
Mother of Dragons
My thoughts:
"Queenmaker," huh? And she so seemed to dislike the idea of Kingmakers.
Well, my theory is largely blown out of the water. I think I'm right that Doran was _letting_ Arianne plot ... but in this case, I now think it was only up to the point we see in the story. He wanted her to do something he could lawfully toss her into the clink for, rather than treating her like the Sand Snakes, which would have gotten all the lords who support her up in arms in her particular case. Still, from here, it can still blowup. There can still be a rebellion brewing.
The Darkstar is handsome ... well, he's a Dayne, ain't he? And High Hermitage ... either they are a long standing junior branch of the Daynes (like the Royces of the Gates of the Moon) or (likelier) High Hermitage is a vassal castle to Starfall and he's just a recent cousin who was given charge of it. It's likely up in the mountains above Starfall, by the sounds of it.
He has a really big chip on his shoulder about Arthur Dayne. I wonder ... was he specifically referring to Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, when he complained about the SotM being the only one getting any recognition? Because, as GRRM has revealed, SotM is an office that only a Dayne found "worthy" can hold. Clearly, he wanted to be SotM, and Arthur was the one deemed suitable ... probably because Arthur was a good knight and a true, while Gerald is merely a good knight, by the sounds of it.
Any mention on his haircolor, BTW? Fair, I suppose?
Red priests running riot in Qohor. From other reports, throwing down the Black Goat, too. Well, the Goat is the emblem of the religion of Qohor, so ... But one wonders what sparked it?
The Golden Company broke its contract with Myr and left the Disputed Lands, heading west for Volantis. Volantis may simply be the closest Free City to their present location with access to the sea. However, given Illyrio's concerns in the Tyrion spoiler chapter, and given the fact that Volantis is the only Free City to which the Astapori send missives, it's entirely possible that Volantis happens to be the closest Free City to Slaver's Bay as well .... and that they may be headed to Dany.
And it sure looks like the infamous Bittersteel, one of Aegon IV's Great Bastards, is the one who founded the Golden Company. I suspected this after the reference to his exile in the Free Cities following the Blackfyre Rebellion, but this confirms it. Strangely, we have no clue as to his actual name, while his half-brother's name is known.
Does it specifically say that Dorne does not have a tradition of fostering? I think Os mentioned that Oberyn was fostered at Hellholt, and Water Garden is full of fostered noble children. Note that Quentyn's mother and Doran's wife is _not_ Dornish, and her feelings about fostering may be to her upbringing in the Free City of Norvos.
Arianne admits that Myrcella will never sit the Iron Throne? Interesting. So her plan is to use Myrcella as a lever to force her father out (more-or-less honorably), a cause for the lords who support her to coalesce behind, rather than a real (and rather mad) attempt to get Myrcella to rule all the realm. She's more sensible than initial misgivings from the Arys chapter suggested.
These references to Quentyn (referring to Lyanna's bit and some of what Os told me) are confusing. Is he or is he not in Dorne?
Silver.... Silverwhat? Silversandal? Silversantal? Silver San... Oh-ho! Could her name be Silver (I guess her dad liked silver ...) Santagar? Is Spotswood supposed to be their castle, maybe? Or do you think that's the house name?
Andray Dalt must be son or sibling or cousin or something to Ser Deziel Dalt, the Knight of Lemonwood, one of Oberyn's entourage.
Fascinating, these orphans. They focus on a place named Planky Town, apparently, which sounds like a port of some sort, and they spread a game called cyvasse up and down the Greenblood. So ... they didn't want to give up their ships, so converted them to riverboats and plied the Greenblood .... Gypsies of the Greenblood (tm), an official 'A Song of Ice and Fire RPG' (tm) supplement, coming to a game store near you!
The Prince's Pass .. is it mentioned in any particular context? Something about Daeron? Who seems to be an infinitely quotable young fellow. Like Caesar.
I wonder what the D(?) town is.
Shield of Lannisport
starts with the princess and company waiting in the desert for myyrcella and her kg protector with osme of her compantions. they chat nad joek a bit.. they all have nicknames htye go by for the msot part. The dark star acts scary lol and thats that. They discuss the rumors all ready mentioend in distant parts.
And this is important. Let me try to clear up the quentin in or out of dorne thing. His sister thinks he is out of dorne going to buy the golden ocmpany. She was told he was in yronwood.... but he was seen sneaking around sunspear in disguise hiding with big crates of what had to be gold looking for a ship. She assumes its to go buy the golden company.
But.. and htis is my opinion.. i think he is to go join dany. Think about it. Doran can know about dany.. right before this we are hearing the rurmros from the east. its reasonable to assume doran has spys and knows whats going on. And why else do you send your own son with gold out? we *know* hes not *really* buying the golden company from the other spoiler chapters. And this woudl explain why he is 'doing nothing' and not crowning myrcella. he is waiting for dany.
When Oakheart finally does arrive with myrcella its remarked on how the princess trusts her protctor fully. When she left with tyrion she was informed that she shouldnt question anything arys said. ITs also commented that she was able to be snuck out of sunspear because tyrion provided her a duplicate. a 'lannsiter of lannisport not casterly rock' who looked like her a little bit. when they were ocmign up on the ships myrcella dyed her hair and switched places with this girl. so if stannis took the ship he woudlgrab the wrong girl. and htats what they did now. myrcella didnt dye her hair but htey braided the other girls hair and left heri n myrcellas place.
MMm... while they are traveling we hear more of dorans daughters plans. she wants to head into the desert where she has lots of support and have myrcella crowned at hellholt where obertyn was fostered. And that most of dorne wil rally behind her because they lvoe her. not quentyn. All except the yronwoods.
ohh. And to clear up the fostering thing. its nto that the martells dont foster. ITs that quentyn was fostered way way way too young apparently. And Dorans wife protested saying soemtihng like "what sort of man sells his son for political coin" and doran replies "The princely kind". I have to say this chapter made my opinion of doran go soaring way way up. in his own way hes as clever as tywin imo. Anyway so thats hte fostering thing. and its implied he was fostered too early to have a full appreciation for martell customs.
With the dark star. What i remember of the guy. Hes one of the greatest knights in dorne. A feared fighter. Everyones a little wary around him. I think dorans daughter even thnks that 'maybe she shouldnt have brought him along. but he would be very usefull. and help bring starfall to her cause" And.. i coudl be confusing this bit so dont quote me on it.. but i even remember a tiny bit where she considers sleepign with the dark star. lol consdiers it a momment then shudders nad shrugs it off.
speaking of that though. something i forgot. While they are hanging out aroudn the oasis our favorite dornish pricness is remembeirng that the red viper first took her here where he showed one of his sand snakes how to melt a viper for venom. when someoen asks her what she did here she falls silent nad thinks " I used to dream of a fearsoem warrior with a widows peak raping me" ie i tihnk she used to day dream of the red viper raping her. and i was like oooohkaaaay.
anyway. The dark star is one freaky guy. Theres another bit when he meets oakheart he gets realy threatenign to the kngiht. He also makes some comment about how 'House dayne stretches back 10,000 years. And its in our blood to kill oakhearts. We have been killing them for thousands of years" To wich someone responds "and htey have been killing daynes for just as long" and the darkstar goes "Well all familys have their little hobbies" heh. freaky guy. And when oakheart is introduced he mentions arhtur dayne which is a mistake. cause th dark star gets all bitter and upset over how the sword of the morning is the only dayne anyoen ever remember.
He then comments and i think this is IMPORTANT that "it was the sword not the man that made arthur dayne great" And its also clearly impleid by the dark star that he considers hismelf a better fighter then dayne. Oakheart responded ot that comment btw that arthur dayne has the right spirit and attitude... and dark star looks liek he was going to jump oakheart there. heh.
anywho. They put on veils of sand silk as they go throguh the desert. Oak heart makes some inane comment about how the dornish pricness is putitng on the viel to hdie her beuty from the sun. the princess rolls her eyes (thinkign he probably spent an hour to think that one up) and comments she wears the viel to keep the sun off her head and the sand out of her mouth. And oakheart should do the same. HE refuses thoguh and is soon suffering horribly in his armour. The dornish pricness thinks that the martell banner is the spear and sun.. the two dornish weapons.
The oyung dragon (these guys are like cosntantly quoting the young dragon) once said "The dornishmens two weaposn are their spear and the sun. OF the two the sun is the mroe deadly" She comments how of old the dornishmen would let armies ocme through the pricnes pass only to see them floudner and falter in the desert.
she also explains the orphans.. whom they are heading to. Theres a comemtn how they are 'true rhoynar'. They still worship the rhoynar gods. I got al ittle ocnfused on how the rhoynar gods worked. Maybe soemoen else coudl clear me up. Theres a turtlegod they worship (We heard a legend how the turtle god defeated the crab god). And this god is common knowledge in westeors. myrcella knew abotu it. But apparently thats not the real god of the true rhoynar. the top god. somethign about how mother rhoyner nurses them and protects them. The dornishmen make alot of ocmments to 'the orphans mothers' like 'their mother did this or this' and when myrcella comments how htey can have mothers being orphans they respond its mother rhyonar. And soemthing how the greenblood is mother rhyonar too. IT was pretty confusing for me. Oh and the greenblood is called the greenblood cause the waters are (you guessed it) green. its also the lifeblood of dorne. Theres a comment of how if they didnt reach it by the time the sun went up myrcella probably woudlnt survive the journey. even though this was not true desert but only semi desert. so you can imagine what it must be like for knights to cross the real desert durring the day.
Mmmm. the orphans as was said ply up and odwn the greenblood.. from plankytown all the way up.. and their rafts. we hear anotehr quote from the young dragon i forgeti nsutlign them. but the dornish princess thinks to herself that the young dragon didnt know what he was talkign about. and that the orphans boats were extremly beutifull if you looekd for it. intricitly carved. apparnetly when nymeriana burned their boats signilign the logn journey being at an end and there beign no return msot were happy. but not all. and the unhappy ones who didnt want to abandon their gods or boats stole bits of wood from thsoe ships and built the first rafts of the orphans. its mpleid that these are the true rhyonar. ie no mixed blood with those already there. The dornish pricness commetns how she has rhoynar blood rom nymeriana but she cant comapre ot the orphans.
anyway. they get to the boat. and no ones on top of it. the compantion (he was milk brother with the dornish princess but i forget his name) is the one 'in charge' of the orphans. they have no real leaders that were mentioend but this guy has alot of influence with them. he calls out for htem to wake up and get their lazy sleves ondeck. Instead that guard with the ax who works for doran steps up. And before they can flee a huge old pile of crosbowmen and gaurds pop up. And the guy with the ax whose name i forget declares he has orders to kill everyone but the two pricness if htey resist. So one by one everyone dorps their swords and surrenders.
for a momment oakheart refuses syaing thery have to get throguh his body to reach myrcella but at the dornish pricness pleadinbg and the dark stars insultign comments on his idiocy he eventually gives in and is taken pisoner too. Basicly our dornish pricness last thoguhts are 'hwo the hell did he know what i was doing' heh.
on a side ntoe myrcella was never actually crowned. htat was to have happeend in hellholt .but they did plant the idea in ehr head. callign her queen. and commenting how tommen robbed her of her birth right. 'tis nto his fault but he has bad advisors. and oyu would be a better queen then him'. And she seemed intruiged by it. so. yeah Thats it.
Pl Secundus
Landed Knight
Here are just a few notes in addition to what has already been covered.
Freeing the Sand Snakes is an integral part of Arianne's plan, she mentions it (or thinks about
it) several times throughout the chapter; it appears that she has no doubts as to their full
In Arianne conversation with Ser Gerald Dayne she takes it as a given that crowning Myrcella means war with the
Lannisters. Apparently it is a part of the plan of exacting Dorn's revenge on
them. Ser Gerald then comments that simply killing Myrcella would bring the Lannisters down on them with even more
certainty. Arianne is scared by his suggestion and insists that Myrcella should not be
From the beginning of the chapter I had a feeling that Arianne's plot was doomed. The clearest indication that they would be found out came during the conversation between Arianne and Myrcella half way through the
desert. Apparently Myrcella is very bright and, hence, kicks butt at some popular
(among the nobility, of course) board game (probably similar to chess). For
instance, she beats Prince Trystane all the time. Myrcella explains that this is because Trystane always uses the same opening and she is able to decimate his elephants with her
dragons. Arianne asks if Rosamun (the stand-in distant cousin) is a good player too and Myrcella says -
no, she (Rosamun) could not even master the rules of the game, which she found too
complicated. Arianne becomes uneasy after that response.
It is Doran's wife who is not from Westeros who was opposed to fostering of
Dany sent Daario to negotiate with the Lamb Men regarding opening trade through which she hopes to solve her looming food